02. December 2021
Mediaform donates to the Children’s UKE
“Donate instead of sending Christmas cards” – the Mediaform company group is continuing its Christmas campaign again this year. Jörg Weber, General Manager of the Mediaform group of companies, says: “In an era of increasing digitalisation, we consciously decided not to send any printed Christmas cards, but to use the money to support a charitable cause.”
This year’s chosen charity is the Children’s UKE, situated directly in the grounds of Hamburg-Eppendorf University Clinic (UKE). As one of the most modern children’s hospitals in the north, the Children’s UKE integrates key paediatric and adolescent medical services and specialist departments in a single building – and is entirely tailored to the needs of sick children, young persons and their families. Not only at Christmastide but also during the rest of the year, the Children’s UKE works to give young patients the best chance of a good recovery. At the handover of the donation cheque to Prof. Dr. med. Ania C. Muntau, Director of the Paediatric Clinic and Petra Gilb-Julié, Fundraising Officer, Jörg Weber explained that “By our donation, we want to make a small contribution to giving both the children and their parents a sense of wellbeing in the new Clinic.” The Children’s UKE will use the donated funds to make the premises look beautiful.
More information: www.kinder-uke.de
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Martina Clerc
Corporate communications/PR
+49 40 - 72 73 60 320