18. January 2024
Medication identity labelling in focus: Mediaform presents innovative solutions at the AGNNW Annual Conference 2024
The Working Group of Emergency Doctors in North Rhine-Westphalia (AGNNW) will meet for its 40th annual conference in Cologne on 26 and 27 January 2024. Interested parties who are unable to attend in person can follow the event online via a live stream.
The two-day conference promises a multifaceted programme with lectures, stimulating discussions and practice-oriented workshops on the current state of medicine. A special focus will be on ground-breaking topics relating to the future of emergency medicine. The professional policy morning on Friday will be dedicated intensively to key issues and developments in the emergency medicine field.
At the industry exhibition, Mediaform will present current solutions in the field of medication identity labelling. We will focus on mobile data acquisition solutions, the efficient capture of patient data and labelling of syringes and anaesthetics, as well as label printing, including mobile options. We will also present our Praxikett® Designer medication software, which ensures the safe, secure and efficient management and labelling of medication. Our RETTiketts are also particularly relevant - they depict all important emergency medications on a handy DIN A5 sheet of paper and are easy to use, taking the various scenarios of an emergency deployment into account.
A more personal exchange with colleagues can take place in the industry exhibition or during the traditional brewery evening at SION.
Press contact
Martina Clerc
Corporate communications/PR
+49 40 - 72 73 60 320