22. February 2024
KBV Update of Form 10 – Version 04/2024
Forms 10 and 10L, previously “Referral form for laboratory tests as a commissioned service”, are renamed “Referral form for in-vitro diagnostic commissioned services”. In addition, the tick box “Treatment according to Section 116b of the SGB V (Social Law Code 5)” will in future be re-designated as “SER”.
Amended Form 10 will come into force on 1 April 2024 without a cut-off date, to allow existing "old" forms to be used up. The new designation "SER" will then be saved in the practice management system. Thus if an "old" Form 10 is printed, practices will temporarily mark an SER case in the "Treatment in accordance with Section 116b of the SGB V" field.
FORM 6: Until now, in SHI-accredited (Statutory Health Insurance) medical care and depending on the examination, Form 6 and/or Form 10 had to be used to order in-vitro diagnostics in accordance with Chapter 19 of the EBM (Uniform Assessment Standard). This has led to additional work in the practices' workflows and also for software maintenance.
Therefore, from 1 April 2024, all material submissions for in-vitro diagnostic contract services in accordance with Sections 1.7 and 30.12.2 of the EBM and Chapters 11, 19 and 32 of the EBM will be commissioned uniformly using Form 10.
We will inform all customers promptly about KBV changes in connection with the ScanTools software for job data registration in the laboratory. For further information, please call us on Tel. No. 0049 40 727360 72.
Further information: ScanTools Job Data Registration in the Laboratory (German)

Press contact
Martina Clerc
Corporate communications/PR
+49 40 - 72 73 60 320