17. December 2020

KBV readjusts OEGD form for SARS CoV 2 testing

The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) has again revised the public health service (OEGD) form – based on a renewed modification of the specifications arising from the testing regulation issued by the German Federal Ministry for Health (BMV) on 30 November 2020. The only change is that the tick box for travellers returning from risk areas abroad has been omitted, because the costs for testing returning travellers will no longer be refunded from 16 December 2020 onwards. This updated OEGD form (status 12.2020) can be used with immediate effect.

The OEGD form (status 11.2020) had only just come into force and is currently being produced and delivered by the printers. These forms can continue to be used even after the new OEGD form (status 12.2020) comes into force. Use of the earlier version, status 08.2020, is permissible only until the end of 2020, but no longer thereafter.

We will promptly inform all ScanTools customers about the renewed changes made by the KBV. Please feel free to contact us if you need more information.

More information: www.kbv.de

Logo KBV Formular OEGD Änderung

Press contact

Martina Clerc
Corporate communications/PR

+49 40 - 72 73 60 320
